Friday, May 30, 2008

business post week 3 I don't know about the rest of you ladies but when I was reading chapter 12 in our book there were a couple of those side boxes with comments from a couple guys that seriously pissed me off. One of them was from a guy named Clarence who said " I don't believe that a man can rape his wife or girlfriend. Maybe it's rape if a guy wants sex, and a woman he doesn't know well doesn't, and he forces her. But a guy has a right to have sex in a relationship that is established. All this talk about date rape and marital rape is baloney. No woman I'm going with had better believe that baloney." (p. 290) This dude must be mistaken in his beliefs because he is full of shit. Just because you are in a relationship with someone or even married does not give you free reign to throw down your girlfriend or wife and have sex with them at your every whim without considering if she wants to have sex or not. If the female does not want to have sex with you than she has the right to say no. If you continue to do what you want without her consent then I don't care if she is your girlfriend or your wife, if she says no than that is rape. Just because you are in a relationship does not mean that it is her job to give you sex 24 hours a day. If you are in a relationship with a woman and you claim to love her than that means you respect her feelings and her wishes and if she does not feel like doing something than you need to respect her decision. This goes both ways too. A woman cannot claim that raping her husband or boyfriend is not possible either. It is a mutual decision between two people and they both need to consent to it. If one party is not willing and the other person does not stop than in my opinion that is rape.
The other comment that annoyed me was from Austin who said " What do girls expect if they go to a club where hookups happen, and they're wearing revealing clothes that are meant to excite and provoke guys, and they are dancing suggestively? It's like sending out an invitation to a guy. So why, when a guy accepts, do they blame him for responding to their invitation?" (p. 289) Guys automatically assume that girls are out to seek their attention. They never really see the other side of it, that maybe the girl felt like getting dressed sexy for herself and for no one else. Maybe she felt like dressing up and feeling pretty and going out and having a good time, and that the thought of picking up a guy never even crossed her mind. Many girls like to get dressed up and go out and dance, it is a fun thing for girls to do. Not all of them are there for males, many of them just go because they like to go out and have fun with their girlfriends. Even if a girl is dressed revealingly, that is her choice. Just because she may be showing skin does not make it an open invitation for some male to come over and start touching her. Guys assume that this means she is out to get some action, which is not always the case. Yes it may be in some cases, but definitely not all. It is called self control. and many males don't feel like they need to excercise this around females when they really do. A girl has the right and freedom to go out in public in whatever they choose to wear without having to be labeled as a girl that is asking for sexual attention. Males need to accept this and learn that it is not always just for their attention.
Now don't get me wrong because I am not some sexist male hating female at all, but I do think that these comments are both a little obnoxious. What do you think? And guys..whats your opinion on this? Do you agree with these guys's statements? If you do it's okay, I'm just curious on what others have to say about it.

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