Tuesday, May 20, 2008

reply to Charlene week 2

I agree. It isn't fair that a woman has to feel like she has to choose between her career and her kids. Women were made by god to be the ones to give birth to a child...it isn't like you can just decide that your husband will be the one. (in a typical case) Since this is the case, every place should be understanding and accomodating to a woman if she has a child and needs time off from a job to be with the child. Alot of places are very good about this but unfortunately not all are. At my brothers company they recently added something in the employee benefits which is that if you are a husband and your wife has a newborn than the company gives the man a paid 2 weeks off "maternity leave" so that he can be with his wife and then at home to help her and the new baby get adjusted. I thought this was really good because alot of times the male doesnt have this option and it is either that they can't take off from the job or if they do they won't be paid. With this option it allows the male to be of support to his family while not having to worry about financial issues.

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