Friday, June 20, 2008

business post week 6

Do you think that guys that have sisters treat women better? I was talking to my boyfriend's mom and she was telling me some stuff one of her son's did that upset her. It had to do with him bringing home a few different girls in the same week and how she was pissed off because she felt disrespected in more ways than one. First she thought it was rude that he did that in her home when he has his own apartment to do that type of thing in, and felt that he was disrespecting her as a woman by doing that in her house. Also, she does not like that he obviously does not think much of these girls if he is bringing various girls home in a short time period. We were talking in general about how guys treat girls in general, and i was thinking, do you think maybe he does not have as much respect or understanding of females because he has no sisters? As a general statement, I feel that most guys that I know that do have sisters are somewhat more respectful towards other females and also have a better clue of how their minds work and the way they perceive things. Maybe they see more into what bothers or upsets girls so since they have this experience they can use it when learning how to treat other women that come into their life. We were also saying that we think men that treat their wives respectfully and lovingly usually have sons that treat women just as well. I think that some males learn how to treat females from the way that their fathers do. This is also why if a father is abusive than it is likely that the son can end up being abusive as well. My boyfriend's father died when he was very young so him and his brothers did not have their father around to see how well he treated their mother when he was alive. She thinks this also has something to do with it because his brother did not have a positive male role model around where he could see how women should be treated by men. Girls, what do you think from your personal experiences? Guys..what do you think?


Tom O. said...

Absolutely guys with sisters treat women better. At least in my observations. I have one friend who has 5 brothers and 1 sister. He does not fit the mold probably because the female is so outnumbered. But when it is even I think it makes a big difference. I think the more you practice anything the better you get, so having the opportunity to interact with female siblings while growing up is definitely beneficial to males.

Prof.M said...

I think guys with sisters have a better frame of reference to the daily issues that they have to endure...but, I also think it has to do a lot with the mother and father. We learn basis respect and viewpoints from our parents. We learn to stand on our own two feet and be mature enough to care for ourselves and others first and fore most in my opinion, from our immediate family.