Tuesday, June 10, 2008

reply to Prof M week 5

Well first of all..congratulations!! you have a beautiful little girl and she is lucky to have such an awesome mom as well. I think it is awesome that you adopted your daughter. While I know that some people feel it is probably a special experience to give birth to your own flesh and blood child and know that you created that baby, there are so many little children out there who need homes. Part of me feels like we should start caring for those that are already in this world and providing them with love and homes before bringing even more children into the world. Just because a child is adopted doesn't mean that its not your own child..if you love the child with all your heart than it may as well be your own flesh and blood. It does not matter if the color of your skin is the same or not..of ir you were both born in the same country..it is all about what is on the inside that counts. If you can provide for the child and meet their needs and love them than that is all that matters. Race, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference, religion....it doesnt matter. If you have love in your heart to share than that is all you need. I hope to adopt a child one day as well.

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