Thursday, June 19, 2008

reply to Alex week 6

Oh my god! Youre a should be very proud of yourself. You and your sister did a very brave and noble thing there and I hope you were recognized for it. Man i am hoping to god that the only reason that the guy didnt jump in after his kids was that he was literally frozen in shock and fear. That is the only reason why I can imagine that he didnt dive in after them, although that does not excuse his behavior. I am thinking that even when women are in shock and fear their first insincts are to protect their child so it is like more natural for them to automatically put themselves in danger to save someone, but really you would think that a man would have that instinct to protect the females in his life as well. I guess we will really never know for sure why he didnt automatically jump in after his daughters. I am curious to know why he didnt. Its kind of sad that he didnt. What would have happened if you and your sister didn't? I am sorry that you had such a trauma while celebrating father's day but you did a very good thing and I hope that that particular family was appreciative to you and your sis.

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